Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Edward and Bella

I wanted my post today to be important. Meaningful. Impactful. Then I realized all I can think about is the novel "Twilight" and I figured I better just go with that...

I had avoided reading the series of vampire books simply due to the fanatics who have been obsessed with it for the past year or so. It's like a movie that people rave about and then you finally see it after all the hype and it is so-so. Totally NOT the case with this. I started the first book Friday and by Sunday night it was done. I could not stop. Stephanie Meyer, the author, is so detailed and descriptive that you can't help but picture life in Forks, Washington and all the people who reside there. Once Bella and Edward meet it is hard to stop and once the sexual tension starts building it becomes impossible. To be completely frank, this book completely turned me on. Really. My husband is currently reaping the benefits of his middle-aged wife getting hot under the collar from reading a teenage vampire love story!

I know many young girls (ages 9-12) that are reading this series and I personally don't think it is really appropriate for that age group. A bit scary, lots of death talk, but more than that I just don't think they will understand it all. The relationship - sexual and emotional. Edward's mood swings. Bella's dark, twisty obsession with becoming a vampire just to be with a god-type guy. Isn't this what we as woman in this day and age are trying to avoid our daughters becoming? My daughter, Lilly, asked me if she could read "Twilight" and I told her she had to be 13, possibly 14. Maybe I should let her read it when she won't understand much, but that feels wrong. All I know is that I can't stop. I started "New Moon" last night and I am counting the down the minutes until I meet back up with my fave new couple, Edward and Bella.


  1. I'm obsessed too. I've read the books and I'm currently trying to find another series that comes even close. No luck so far. I'm counting the days until New Moon comes out in theatres.

  2. I am just as bad as the two of you. I bought Twilight just to "check it out" since I know lots of teen are reading it and I'll be teaching mddle school next year. I was hooked! I had to go to the store the night I finished Twilight and bought the next three books because I knew I wouldn't be able to stop reading them. (FYI - Sam's CLub has then all pretty cheap!) However, I was disappointed with the movie. I don't think a human actor can actually come close to portraying what Stephanie Meyer set up as Edwad Cullen. On that note, I'll still go see New Moon - if only to make the series last a little longer.
