Thursday, June 25, 2009

Down to four

I was checking the calendar today and realized I am in the home stretch in the countdown to LA! The weeks have flown by and the more I think of the things left to do before I leave, the more the butterflies in my belly swirl around. There is the memorizing of my piece which is about 50% done. Then there is the very important wardrobe. Sadly, I have little to no direction with this and I am certainly not a fashionista. Anyone looking for a reason to go to California? Desperately seeking makeup and wardrobe artists! Finally, I need to nail down what is happening with my kids for the nearly 3 weeks I am gone. That is about 75% covered. I have never been away this long. It has been 10 years since I have been away from my husband for that length of time. Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Or will he realize the peace that comes from not having a crazy lady share his bed? The separation will be tough, but I am looking at it as a pilgrimage of sorts. I am at a point in my life where things are changing. I am beginning to see what is really important in this thing called LIFE and to have some time just for me to reflect on it is exactly what the head doctor ordered. Thanks for all the support!

1 comment:

  1. HI there! I clicked on your name in the PERFORMERS list on the LA EXPRESSING MOTHERHOOD site. I will be there as well!! Looking forward to a "I want to throw up since I have no idea what I am doing" sort of way!
